Joey & Robyn
Welcome. We're glad you're here.
Go deeper. Get unlocked. Find freedom.
Sometimes we need someone to come alongside to inspire, challenge, or help when we feel stuck. Things can feel overwhelming. But, with the right help, it can be life-changing.
Whether you're looking for someone to guide you through a difficult season or want some new tools to grow, we've got you covered.
Joey and Robyn have a serious gift for helping high-capacity leaders discover their deeper emotions and motivations. Their couples counseling sessions are more beneficial than any other marriage resources I know of.
John & Melanie Dickerson
Brownsburg, IN
Common questions...
Is this anxiety, depression or grief?
What communication tools actually work?
How could God let this happen to me?
Is there a way to not feel so alone?
Why do I keep sabotaging my relationships?
Can my intimacy with my spouse ever improve?
Why don't I honor the boundaries I create?
How do I find my way through the pain?
Where is God in this?
How do I trust/hope/love again?
Robyn and Joey were instrumental in helping us through some turbulent times in our marriage. They gave us the tools to better communicate with each other which were valuable both then and now. We always felt so comfortable talking with them and you can tell they really care. Years later we still connect with them as if no time has passed and they always offer us a sense of peace.